He4She movement was a medium for boys and men to come forward and express their feelings of gratitude, respect and sincere concern for the safety and health of girls and women in their lives and as part of society in general. The most significant part of this campaign was when some of more sensitive and all the more action oriented men became a part of this movement. Mr. Ritvik a young, dynamic and versatile professional during #kudiyan_di_lohri further came forward at DT Mall, IT Park, Chandigarh to address and inspire the general the public with his most sincere and humble confessions and that too in his most heartfelt and stimulating ways, where he recollected all his journey of growing up and developing with the support of women and girls in different forms and where he openly expressed that his journey has been #she4he, with his mother, sister and wife supporting him in all their respective ways. All this realization made him to take up the most bold decision of establishing a child care centre, at a very early stage in life and while he was still unmarried, with the prime intention to extend a support to the working women, who should not be compelled to sacrifice their jobs after becoming a mother.